Sunday, September 10, 2017

Working mommy

Most moms either have to go back to work or they are a stay at home mom. Either way it is work. I'm very lucky to have found a job that allows me to bring my baby with me. This is such a blessing!
I looked at the cost of child care and let me tell you, it is outrageous! Depending on where you live prices range anywhere from $95 to $250 a week. Among those choices could be a daycare center at school, most are churches, or even independent childcare centers. I battled with several of these choices and even turned down a job because I couldn't justify spending that much on childcare every week. But then I got very lucky and found a job for a small business owner and he has allowed me to bring my baby. So I'm one lucky and blessed mommy! I hope all the other moms and even dads have a good plan for child care. Truthfully staying at home to raise them I believe is the best way to go if you have that option.

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