Sunday, September 3, 2017

Marketing products to new moms

Wow, so let me say if you have never had a child  be aware of all of the hidden cost. You can never be totally prepared for childhood. There are so many products out there that you didn't know you would need until you need it. Like for instance a cool mist humidifier. Sure we all use the warm mist ones or you may have used the cool mist ones. But for infants you can not use a warm mist or use any camphor with a child.  And the prices of these products range from $30-$75 for a number of good brands.
Also if your child has any type of tummy issues, like acid reflux.. Well be prepared for many doctors visits, prescriptions, gas drops, gripe water etc. Not to mention you have to keep a stock pile on hand weekly.
There are just so many things children need, so how do you decide which ones? By trial an error? Word of Mouth? Books? Ads? Any of the above is some type of marketing. My best advise so far is all of it.
~ Stacey

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